Friends of the Environment (FOTE) was established in 1993 under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a non-governmental organization (NGO).
FOTE’s primary goal as an NGO, is to initiate and undertake programmes and activities that address the needs of identified groups that impact on the environment.
One of FOTE’s primary strategies in attaining its goal is the use of awareness campaigns to enlighten and educate people about the many environmental concerns and the impact each concern has on the larger society.
To impact meaningfully and positively on the environment, FOTE recognises the significant role played by technology. The use of technology in many processes and endeavours increases efficiency, and therefore promotes sustainability.
More specifically, the use of ICT in many aspects of today’s world has the most significant impact on lives and the environment. The improper use of ICT processes can be as detrimental to the environment, as the proper use can be of great advantage.
It is therefore a priority that people, especially the younger members of the society, are empowered appropriately in ICT use and applications.
Our goal in this area therefore, is to continuously increase accessibility to modern ICT use by as many marginal and underprivileged members of society.
Exposure to ICT – the internet in particular – increases the knowledge base of users. The internet bridges the knowledge gap between the privileged and the less privileged, allowing all users access to modern techniques and applications in environmental preservation.
FOTE formally recognizes that sustainable development is not achievable without the empowerment of women, and therefore works actively for the participation of women and the integration of gender considerations in governments’ policies and programmes.
Protecting and preserving our environment for future generations is of great concern to us. Thus, the uncontrolled and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources such as the rapid depletion of forestry which has led to environmental deterioration, must be brought to light and halted.
The change in climatic conditions caused by various human activities such as the use of fuel-wood for domestic energy, gas flaring, and toxic waste emissions by the oil industry, are glaring issues which have negative long term effects on humans and the environment.
These factors address the global concern relating to Carbon emission as provided in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Research is a core area activity for FOTE which has undertaken numerous research projects either singularly or in collaboration with reputable local and international organizations. Some of the Researches are:
LPG Perception and Consumption
A survey was carried out in Badagry LGA and Ojokoro LCDA in Lagos State with funding from the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP).
National Energy Policy
A Gender Audit was carried out with support from ENERGIA, the international network on gender and sustainable energy.
Economic Profile and Technological Expertise Available to Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs
A baseline study was undertaken on behalf of the United Nations Development Funds for Women (UNIFEM).
Enabling Urban Poor Livelihoods Policy Making: Understanding the role of Energy Services
Collaboration with ENERGIA (Netherlands) to conduct a DFID- Sponsored Project on Gender and Energy in Nigeria
The Assessment of the Lagos Lagoon for POPs sources, types and impacts
This project was sponsored by the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN).
Strategic Assessment of the Status of POPs Pesticides Trading in Southwestern Nigeria
Collaboration with two other Nigerian NGOs in a study sponsored by the Pesticide Action Network (UK) under the African Stockpile Program (ASP).
Most of these studies are in the websites of the sponsoring agencies.
As part of our mandate, FOTE educates, creates awareness and conducts training, workshops and seminars on environmental and renewable energy issues for identified target groups. Some of these activities include:
• FOTE is currently working on popularizing the use of cleaner, modern fuel in the form of LPG, and create sustainable markets for its consumption and use in households, institutions (e.g. boarding schools) and small businesses in Nigeria for improved living conditions and enhanced forest conservation through reduced fuel wood consumption. We have started with two communities in Lagos State, South west Nigeria with support from GEF-SGP administered by UNDP in Nigeria, and hope to replicate the project across the country, funding being available.
• FOTE conducted training for some mechanics in Lagos State on the proper handling and disposal of Waste oil with particular emphasis on minimization and recycling.
• Under the GRESDA/UNIFEM programme, FOTE organized workshops on Rural Women Technician Corps (RWTC) designed for rural and peri urban women to teach them basic maintenance and repairs of their post harvest machinery. This programme was aimed at reducing the women’s dependence on male technicians while improving their earning capacity and by extension increasing the country’s food security. The workshops also taught the women basic environmental and sanitation issues, Gender sensitization and Book Keeping and Business Management
• FOTE in collaboration with ENERGIA organized several training workshops on “Strengthening Capacity for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Planning” for Energy Project Planners, under the Turning Information into Empowerment program of ENERGIA otherwise known as the TIE-ENERGIA program.
FOTE creates awareness and empower women, youths and other vulnerable groups, in its effort to build capacity and inculcate in them, environmental consciousness and improve livelihoods. Several workshops, seminars and workshops on very important environmental and economic empowerment issues have thus, been organized, some in collaboration with relevant government institutions so as to effect policy changes. These, in most cases constitute part of the programmes lined up to commemorate the World Environment Day.
FOTE in this area of its thrust has organized workshops with the themes:
• Proper Waste Oil Management
• Climate Change and Global Workshop
• Ecosystems Changes and Poverty in Nigeria
• Wetlands Protection in Nigeria
• Sustainable Water Development and Poverty Alleviation
• Adolescent and Environmental Protection
FOTE established ‘Environmental and Sanitation’ clubs in some selected schools. The aim of this programme is to build a new generation of young people with a culture of environmental protectiveness and to imbibe them with a culture of environmental consciousness. The Y-FOTE clubs currently exist in about 15 secondary schools in Lagos State. Under the Y-FOTE programme, a workshop with the theme “Adolescents and Environmental Protection” was organized in 2002 in collaboration with the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) for both private and public secondary schools in Lagos State to launch the programme.
From 2005 till date, FOTE has organized annual workshops in collaboration with the British Council some private sector organizations at the Federal Government College, Ijanikin, our adopted institution for our Y-FOTE programs, to mark the World Environment Day celebrations with the relevant year’s theme. The theme for the 2010 workshop being ‘Many Species: One Planet, One Future’ The workshop was attended by 20 schools.
In 2010, we were able to link Ijanikin with a German secondary school, and they are at present exchanging correspondences and maybe later projects and exchange visits.
FOTE organizes a minimum of two seminars and workshops annually on different energy, gender and environmentally related themes. The themes of some of these workshops are:
– Proper Waste Oil Management
– Climate Change and Global Warming
– Ecosystems Changes and Poverty in Nigeria
– Wetlands Protection in Nigeria
– Sustainable Water Development and Poverty Alleviation
– Enabling Urban Poor Livelihoods Policy making- Understanding the Role of Energy Services
– Stakeholders Reflection on the Nigerian Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Situation
– Kick the Habit: Towards a Low Carbon economy
– Your Planet Needs You: Unite to Combat Climate Change
The renewable energy projects undertaken by FOTE address the major issues raised in the United Nations’ Convention on Climate Change. This is because renewable energy technologies do not cause the emission of green house gases such as CO2 and can also lead to a reduction of the burning of firewood. To this end.
• Our organisation has identified a very useful, renewable and alternative energy source in biogas a flammable gas produced by the anaerobic fermentation of organic waste materials such as human and animal wastes, etc. FOTE has constructed 2 biogas plants for the Ojokoro (Ikeja) Ifelodun Cooperative Agricultural Multi-purpose Society Limited in Lagos. These plants feed on the pig waste and the gas generated is used in the abattoir.
• Since 1995, working in tandem with the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), FOTE has introduced the improved wood and saw dust stoves to some rural communities in Lagos State. In 1996, Ajidoh, Badagry was selected for the pilot production of stoves designed to conserve wood and increase energy efficiency. The stoves were then distributed free of charge to some villagers, who used them for a period of 6 months. This was monitored and the experiences documented via a survey.
• FOTE was the Nigeria Focal Point for the UNIFEM sub-regional programme, Gender Renewable Energy Systems Development and Applications (GRESDA). As the implementing organization, FOTE has successfully undertaken one of the six pilot projects proposed for the programme. The Gender Renewable Energy Systems Development and Application (GRESDA) is an economic empowerment programme, initiated by UNIFEM to support women in increasing the efficiency of their economic activities using renewable energy sources and systems.
The first Pilot Demonstration Unit (PDU) was the Eziafakaego Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Society (EFMCS) in Enugu, This involved the construction of the factory building, procurement and installation of machinery. The second phase of the project involved the construction and installation of a biogas digester.
The project aimed at
– Processing cassava into gari and other products
– Adding value to cassava by producing exportable products
– Using renewable energy in gari production
– Improving food-processing methods by provision of equipment to increase outputs.
The GRESDA Project put in place several training programmes to ensure sustainability of the project, and in realization of the project, FOTE partnered with the state and local government agencies. Implementation of the second PDU is in progress.
Research is a core area activity for FOTE which has undertaken numerous research projects either singularly or in collaboration with reputable local and international organizations. Some of the Researches are:
LPG Perception and Consumption
A survey was carried out in Badagry LGA and Ojokoro LCDA in Lagos State with funding from the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP).
National Energy Policy
A Gender Audit was carried out with support from ENERGIA, the international network on gender and sustainable energy.
Economic Profile and Technological Expertise Available to Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs
A baseline study was undertaken on behalf of the United Nations Development Funds for Women (UNIFEM).
Enabling Urban Poor Livelihoods Policy Making: Understanding the role of Energy Services
Collaboration with ENERGIA (Netherlands) to conduct a DFID- Sponsored Project on Gender and Energy in Nigeria
The Assessment of the Lagos Lagoon for POPs sources, types and impacts
This project was sponsored by the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN).
Strategic Assessment of the Status of POPs Pesticides Trading in Southwestern Nigeria
Collaboration with two other Nigerian NGOs in a study sponsored by the Pesticide Action Network (UK) under the African Stockpile Program (ASP).
Most of these studies are in the websites of the sponsoring agencies.
As part of our mandate, FOTE educates, creates awareness and conducts training, workshops and seminars on environmental and renewable energy issues for identified target groups. Some of these activities include:
• FOTE is currently working on popularizing the use of cleaner, modern fuel in the form of LPG, and create sustainable markets for its consumption and use in households, institutions (e.g. boarding schools) and small businesses in Nigeria for improved living conditions and enhanced forest conservation through reduced fuel wood consumption. We have started with two communities in Lagos State, South west Nigeria with support from GEF-SGP administered by UNDP in Nigeria, and hope to replicate the project across the country, funding being available.
• FOTE conducted training for some mechanics in Lagos State on the proper handling and disposal of Waste oil with particular emphasis on minimization and recycling.
• Under the GRESDA/UNIFEM programme, FOTE organized workshops on Rural Women Technician Corps (RWTC) designed for rural and peri urban women to teach them basic maintenance and repairs of their post harvest machinery. This programme was aimed at reducing the women’s dependence on male technicians while improving their earning capacity and by extension increasing the country’s food security. The workshops also taught the women basic environmental and sanitation issues, Gender sensitization and Book Keeping and Business Management
• FOTE in collaboration with ENERGIA organized several training workshops on “Strengthening Capacity for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Planning” for Energy Project Planners, under the Turning Information into Empowerment program of ENERGIA otherwise known as the TIE-ENERGIA program.
FOTE creates awareness and empower women, youths and other vulnerable groups, in its effort to build capacity and inculcate in them, environmental consciousness and improve livelihoods. Several workshops, seminars and workshops on very important environmental and economic empowerment issues have thus, been organized, some in collaboration with relevant government institutions so as to effect policy changes. These, in most cases constitute part of the programmes lined up to commemorate the World Environment Day.
FOTE in this area of its thrust has organized workshops with the themes:
• Proper Waste Oil Management
• Climate Change and Global Workshop
• Ecosystems Changes and Poverty in Nigeria
• Wetlands Protection in Nigeria
• Sustainable Water Development and Poverty Alleviation
• Adolescent and Environmental Protection
FOTE established ‘Environmental and Sanitation’ clubs in some selected schools. The aim of this programme is to build a new generation of young people with a culture of environmental protectiveness and to imbibe them with a culture of environmental consciousness. The Y-FOTE clubs currently exist in about 15 secondary schools in Lagos State. Under the Y-FOTE programme, a workshop with the theme “Adolescents and Environmental Protection” was organized in 2002 in collaboration with the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) for both private and public secondary schools in Lagos State to launch the programme.
From 2005 till date, FOTE has organized annual workshops in collaboration with the British Council some private sector organizations at the Federal Government College, Ijanikin, our adopted institution for our Y-FOTE programs, to mark the World Environment Day celebrations with the relevant year’s theme. The theme for the 2010 workshop being ‘Many Species: One Planet, One Future’ The workshop was attended by 20 schools.
In 2010, we were able to link Ijanikin with a German secondary school, and they are at present exchanging correspondences and maybe later projects and exchange visits.
FOTE organizes a minimum of two seminars and workshops annually on different energy, gender and environmentally related themes. The themes of some of these workshops are:
– Proper Waste Oil Management
– Climate Change and Global Warming
– Ecosystems Changes and Poverty in Nigeria
– Wetlands Protection in Nigeria
– Sustainable Water Development and Poverty Alleviation
– Enabling Urban Poor Livelihoods Policy making- Understanding the Role of Energy Services
– Stakeholders Reflection on the Nigerian Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Situation
– Kick the Habit: Towards a Low Carbon economy
– Your Planet Needs You: Unite to Combat Climate Change
The renewable energy projects undertaken by FOTE address the major issues raised in the United Nations’ Convention on Climate Change. This is because renewable energy technologies do not cause the emission of green house gases such as CO2 and can also lead to a reduction of the burning of firewood. To this end.
• Our organisation has identified a very useful, renewable and alternative energy source in biogas a flammable gas produced by the anaerobic fermentation of organic waste materials such as human and animal wastes, etc. FOTE has constructed 2 biogas plants for the Ojokoro (Ikeja) Ifelodun Cooperative Agricultural Multi-purpose Society Limited in Lagos. These plants feed on the pig waste and the gas generated is used in the abattoir.
• Since 1995, working in tandem with the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), FOTE has introduced the improved wood and saw dust stoves to some rural communities in Lagos State. In 1996, Ajidoh, Badagry was selected for the pilot production of stoves designed to conserve wood and increase energy efficiency. The stoves were then distributed free of charge to some villagers, who used them for a period of 6 months. This was monitored and the experiences documented via a survey.
• FOTE was the Nigeria Focal Point for the UNIFEM sub-regional programme, Gender Renewable Energy Systems Development and Applications (GRESDA). As the implementing organization, FOTE has successfully undertaken one of the six pilot projects proposed for the programme. The Gender Renewable Energy Systems Development and Application (GRESDA) is an economic empowerment programme, initiated by UNIFEM to support women in increasing the efficiency of their economic activities using renewable energy sources and systems.
The first Pilot Demonstration Unit (PDU) was the Eziafakaego Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Society (EFMCS) in Enugu, This involved the construction of the factory building, procurement and installation of machinery. The second phase of the project involved the construction and installation of a biogas digester.
The project aimed at
– Processing cassava into gari and other products
– Adding value to cassava by producing exportable products
– Using renewable energy in gari production
– Improving food-processing methods by provision of equipment to increase outputs.
The GRESDA Project put in place several training programmes to ensure sustainability of the project, and in realization of the project, FOTE partnered with the state and local government agencies. Implementation of the second PDU is in progress.
Mrs. Maduka is Nigeria’s first female registered engineer, founder of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria, a former member of the Board of Directors of NNPC and a former member of the United Nations Advisory Board on Science and Technology for Development. The Secretariat is coordinated by the General Secretary. She is also the current president of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering.
Mrs. Maduka is Nigeria’s first female registered engineer, founder of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria, a former member of the Board of Directors of NNPC and a former member of the United Nations Advisory Board on Science and Technology for Development. The Secretariat is coordinated by the General Secretary. She is also the current president of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering.
Mrs. Maduka is Nigeria’s first female registered engineer, founder of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria, a former member of the Board of Directors of NNPC and a former member of the United Nations Advisory Board on Science and Technology for Development. The Secretariat is coordinated by the General Secretary. She is also the current president of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering.