It is December, just when the wind was getting chilly, with most people taking a deserved break from work to travel and be with loved ones. When the exchange of gifts becomes commonplace, it’s quite easy to overlook a few things, especially those that matter. But, in the spirit of giving and community awareness, HUAWEI […]

Learning a language allows students to think the unthinkable. It allows us to think, feel, speak, listen, read and write in new ways we never thought possible. We learn new things about ourselves. Intercultural understanding has always been an important part of language learning. Therefore VINJOK is positioned to help you broaden your outlook and […]
Nestlé Nigeria and Wecyclers To Tackle Waste Pollution In Lagos

There is growing concern around the quantity of plastic waste entering the natural environment, harming wildlife and damaging ecosystems globally. It is estimated that 70% of all ocean litter is plastic. The environmental impact is so enormous that the United Nations (UN) has described it as a planetary crisis that is causing irreparable damage. In […]
How to keep the Environment Clean

A wise man once said, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” A clean environment is nothing short of a necessity. It is common knowledge that unclean and filthy surroundings can breed disease-causing microorganisms galore. However, we all seemed to have learned to turned deaf ears to anyone who mentions cleanliness out of sheer hopelessness. To keep […]

Just like yesterday, another year has rolled in to celebrate the World Environment Day (WED) which usually holds on the 5th of June, every year. Friends of The Environment (FOTE), in collaboration with the Conservation Club of Federal Science and Technical College(FSTC), Yaba and West African Seasoning Company Limited organized a symposium to commemorate the […]
Why A Retreat To Nature Can Be So Therapeutic

Psychotherapist and philosopher Erich Fromm (1900-1980) called the longing for nature biophilia. This is people’s love for nature, for the living. The term comes from the Greek and literally means “love of life or living systems.” After Fromm’s death, the evolutionary biologist and professor at Harvard University, Edward O. Wilson, adopted this term and introduced […]
The Reality Of Carbon Footprint

If you really want to reduce your carbon footprint, have fewer kids and ditch your car…! Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. The most common way to reduce the carbon footprint of humans is to Reduce, […]
How nature can help us heal from grief

Here’s how you can help friends and family during somber times. Death is a part of life. It’s a cliché. But clichés exist for a reason. The fact is we are surrounded by dying each and every day. Every time we step out in our yard, we are seeing an abundance of life. But we’re […]

Can getting in touch with the Earth’s electrons improve your well-being? We look at the science. The concepts are ones that we all can understand. Celebrating nature. Improving health. Getting a good night’s sleep. Strengthening the primordial bond between humans and the planet on which we live. The science of it all? Well, that’s […]