Air Pollution in The Modern World is Killing Our Sense of Smell

Air Pollution in the Modern World is Killing Our Sense of Smell


Air Pollution in the Modern World is Killing Our Sense of Smell

Modern life is ruining mankind’s sense of smell and making people crave for salty and fattening food.

Odours caused by pollution, are destroying our ability to enjoy nature’s fresh air thus, making people fall ill.

According to Dr Hoover, people with an impaired sense of smell are more likely to be overweight because they tend to prefer richer tasting food. They are also at higher risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Moreover, a poor sense of smell affects people’s ability to taste. This means they are likely to seek out stronger tasting food, which is very often salty and fatty.

By contrast, people with a powerful sense of smell are more likely to have lower body weight. As indicated by previous research.

Those who have suffered from a loss of smell often have increased anxiety over their own body scent. This is because they don’t know if they smell good or bad. In addition, they’re anxious about not being able to smell danger like gas leaks or smoke.

Thus, increasing the risk of developing more serious mental health problems. New research suggests that diesel pollution released into the air could double the chances of developing dementia.

Dementia is a chronic disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders or impaired reasoning.

Hence, they suffer from poor quality of life and depression because they’re no longer engaging with food or loved ones “in terms of their sense of smell.”

People from poorer backgrounds are generally more exposed to pollution, so also people that work in air polluted environments.

Did you that bus passengers are exposed to air pollution, eight times as much as bus drivers?

This makes them more vulnerable to mental health related problems.

Likewise, people living in dirty areas or where rubbish is not collected regularly, are also prone to suffer from smell impairment issues.

By this, we should know, we’re not cooperating with the environment the way we should. We ought to make use of low polluting machines and advocate for emission reductions from industries as this would go a long way in reducing air pollution.

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