Trump Could Be Good for The Environment


‘Trump could be good for the environment’ is no gainsaying as Trump is very keen on bringing more economic growth back to the United States. Also, more industrial activities would be given to companies involved in solving environmental problems such as cleaning up the water supply from fracking water.

Fracking is the process of injecting specialized fluid into rocks, to force them open further so as to extract oil and gas.

The Trump administration might be skeptical on the phenomenon of global warming but the President-elect’s infrastructure policies could have a positive impact on the environment.

Though, he annoyed environmentalist when he appointed a critic as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. He made this decision during his November 8 election win which will call for the deregulation of oil exploration. And also, withdrawal from the historic COP21 Paris Agreement that aims to limit the increase in global average temperatures.

The Paris Agreement brings all nations to a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change. “The (Paris) climate change agreement is one of the biggest stories to look out for in few years,”

Notwithstanding, Trump initially said he was going to pull out of the Paris Agreement. He later backtracked on his statement and said that he would keep an “open mind” instead.

However, Trump’s infrastructure expenditure plans to boost domestic growth which will also benefit environmental sector businesses in the United States.

In addition, China has recently become a major supporter of climate change, despite its initial resistance to carbon emissions limits. This makes China self-confident to take on leadership role should the United States withdraw from the international stage.

Most importantly, the United States economy is going to be transformed in terms of power generation and transportation. But if the United States sits on the side-lines, it’s going to miss out on massive opportunities. And this would be the opposite of what Trump is trying to achieve.

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