Environmental Benefit of Composting

Environmental Benefit of Composting


Composting is a form of waste disposal where organic waste decomposes naturally under oxygen-rich conditions.

As we already know, manure is a low-cost fertilizer. It is a fantastic way to utilize nutrients instead of creating tons of rubbish that could be harmful to the environment.

Also, manure is rich in nutrients, which makes it a great organic fertilizer for your soil.

Manures are good sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients that plants need to survive.

If you add manure to your soil, you’ll not only improve the quality of the soil, you also won’t need to water your soil as much.

Composting benefits the environment in many ways. When you compost your food scraps, you produce a nutrient rich soil that is needed to maintain a healthy and productive farm fields.

When it comes to global warming, composting directly reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) and other powerful greenhouse gases, like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).

Understanding how to make and use compost is for our own good, as the problem of waste disposal continues to grow.

A few of the many benefits of compost are:

  • Reduction in garbage volume.
  • A rich, natural fertilizer cuts back on use of chemical fertilizers.
  • Improves soil aeration and drainage.
  • Helps control weeds.
  • Decreases the need for costly watering.

 Some items not to compost include:

  • Meat, fish and animal fats – these materials may attract unwanted visitors to your compost pile.
  • Shredded newspapers or office paper — the paper may contain chemicals that are not good for your compost. Recycle them instead.
  • Dog and cat faeces – these materials can add diseases to your compost, and they have an unpleasant odour. Use chicken, horse, cow, and rabbit manure instead.

Thus, composting is one of the ways to revive soil strength due to phosphorus depletion in soil.



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